Who is the Core Header (13).png
Debbie Newell.png

May 2021

Q: What got you interested in CrossFit?

D: Sherri Tignor and I had been doing a boot camp, but it was unorganized and we were getting frustrated. She suggested we try the Core and have never regretted our decision. I would have never dreamed that I would be doing CrossFit AND doing it consistently.

Q: How long have you been part of our Core fam?

D: Since 2014, I didn’t realize that the Core had only been open a little while.

Q: What do you love most about CrossFit at The Core?

D: Most definitely the camaraderie and support that is so prevalent at the Core. Everyone is truly encouraging and celebrates with each athlete. The coaches are attentive to make sure form and technique are correct. I also appreciate the different styles of the coaches and feel like I learn something new from each coach. The Core was critical to me on a physical and social level while rehabbing from surgeries. The coaches always found a way to keep me involved and focusing on what I was able to do. I love that I can interact with so many different people of all ages, backgrounds and ideas.

Q: What is your favorite CrossFit movement/element?

D: Thrusters and weighted squats because they are a pretty straight forward movement.

Q: What is your least favorite CrossFit movement/element?

D: Probably snatches, although I feel like I am FINALLY getting better with my technique and doing them correctly. Running is a close second.

Q: What is your CrossFit/health goal this year?

D: I hope to be more conscious about nutrition. Jessica posts healthy recipes and hints, so I am going to be more attentive and try more of what she shares. I am also trying to focus on upper body strength- pull ups and handstand push ups, mainly the push up part. 😏

Q: Anything extra you want to share?

D: You are never too old to start! You can make any movement work and the Core coaches are happy to assist in finding what works best. I also love the community outreach that the Core does. If Jessica hears about a need for someone or an organization, she lets the Core know and everyone works together to make it happen. During 2020, the Popes and coaches really stepped up to make sure everyone had contact, WODs and Zoom sessions to keep us motivated. It would have been easy to wait it out but they changed direction and never missed a beat. It was truly appreciated.

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