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March 2021

Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit?

R: I started CrossFit in Djibouti, Africa in 2012, so over 8 years.

Q: What got you interested in CrossFit?

R: In October of 2009 I went under the knife and got surgery for an ankle injury that had been nagging me for years. Following the surgery, I didn't do much when it came to recovery. Between 2009 and 2012 I ended up gaining about 50lbs and could not pass my APFT(Army Physical Fitness Test). I somehow managed to pass the APFT in order to deploy, but I was still overweight. While in Africa my unit decided that their physical fitness and weight loss remediation would be to make everyone join the CrossFit affiliate that was established at the camp. "So there I was Gus, no $h!t", doing air squats, sit-ups, burpees and mostly body weight movements because we didn't have dedicated equipment for ourselves. It was an eye-opener because I had no idea how truly out of shape I was. Even being in the Army for all those years, I was never really into working out. I was in it for the weapons and explosives. I knew I had to be in good physical condition to do my job, but it was more of just maintaining to get by vs being better than I was yesterday. I quickly fell in love with the process and never really stopped.

Q: How have you been able to apply the benefits of CrossFit to your life?

R: Part of the definition of CrossFit "functional movement" which I didn't understand at first, but quickly realized as I started seeing how the movements transferred to real life. Carrying ammo

and water jugs became a bit easier from all the farmers carries we do. Loading equipment onto a truck using proper lifting techniques made it much more efficient and saved me from throwing my back out. Being able to tackle certain physically demanding tasks wasn't so bad, if I can survive "Fran", I can survive anything. It has also helped me in everyday life as well. I love that I am able to keep up with my kids, no matter how old they get. Being able to run around with them when they want to play outside and actually keep up with their frantic pace is great because it shows them that age is but a number.

Q: How long have you been part of our Core fam?

R: I first walked in the door January 14, 2019. The first person I met was Coach Chris and during my first workout, Brooke was coaching. I was immediately welcomed by everyone and have never thought about leaving. A few weeks ago, Brooke asked me why I decided to join The Core and the answer was pretty easy. The day before I walked in, I did some recon on the Core and just looking at all the social media posts, it seemed like you all had your "stuff" together and that you cared about your members.

Q: How has being a part of the Core impacted your life?

R: Being part of the Core has drastically impacted my life. When I first started, I was not in the best shape mentally and emotionally. I was flirting with the thought of not being around anymore. I kept telling myself that one of these days would be the day, but every time I walked out of that building, I felt like I belonged. So I told myself, "let me give it one more day", and that day turned into months. I eventually got to know more and more members, and they eventually became really good friends and people that I could lean on locally when I was in a funk. Walking into the gym everyday is the best part of my day. Although there are days that I may not show it, you all heal me emotionally everyday. The love and support you all show your members it truly life-saving.

Q: What is your motivation to focus on your health and make time for fitness?

R: My motivation is to be better than I was yesterday. This may seem like a generic answer, but for me it's being better physically and just being a better person overall. I think it would be a slap in the face to all the coaches and members if I didn't use the knowledge and guidance they so willingly give me to be a better person. As far as time is concerned, I have been known for adjusting my life schedule so I can get my workout in. I understand that life happens and we can't always get to the gym, but I sure try. It is a very important aspect of my life and my self-care so I make it a priority.

Q: What is your favorite CrossFit movement/element?

R: Kettlebell swings and any variation of the snatch and clean.

Q: What is your least favorite CrossFit movement/element?

R: Thrusters....enough said.

Q: What is your CrossFit/health goal this year?

R: A 400lb deadlift would be nice.

Q: Anything extra you want to share?

R: I want to express to all the members(present and future), that this is a wonderful community! It's not often that anyone can get me show affection, but you all have managed to find the door to the wall that I put up and knocked it down. One of these days I may even give some of you the key. Doors are expensive and I'm not #Rich.

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