Think on These Things

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We have had a year of lessons learned and possibly still learning. If I was to pick my top lesson learned from last year it is to focus on what is TRUE, NOBLE, PURE, LOVELY, ADMIRABLE, EXCELLENT and PRAISEWORTHY. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
— Philippians 4:8

If I’m completely honest I have found myself feeling overwhelmed and drowning a lot this past year and EVERY SINGLE TIME I realize it is because I was focused on the storm and not what is TRUE, NOBLE, PURE, LOVELY, ADMIRABLE, EXCELLENT, and PRAISEWORTHY. 

So I’ve created a little mindfulness exercise for myself and it has worked so well I’ve begun to use it in my nutrition consulting because let’s face it, a large part of our struggle with food is stress and emotional coping. 

Before you begin your day make a quick list of what you find TRUE, NOBLE, RIGHT, PURE, LOVELY, ADMIRABLE, EXCELLENT, and PRAISEWORTHY. These things might change throughout the week but more likely you will just add to them. 

The great thing about this exercise is you start your day off mentally fortified and prepared. Let’s face it though, you take one step out into the waves of this world, you pick up your phone, you turn on the news and suddenly the wind is all you can feel or see. So we have to practice and practice and practice the exercise of reminding ourselves of all that we consider TRUE, NOBLE, RIGHT, PURE, LOVELY, ADMIRABLE, EXCELLENT, and PRAISEWORTHY.

Take a picture of your list to have it when the wind blows hard. Repeat to yourself “______is TRUE. ______ is NOBLE. ______ is RIGHT. _______ is PURE. _______ is LOVELY. ______ is ADMIRABLE. _______ is EXCELLENT. _______ is PRAISEWORTHY. “

You will be surprised how much of having the right focus will affect everything...your attitude towards yourself and others, your willingness to serve, your compassion, your desires, and your priorities. 

Use the pdf provided or just jot down these 8 focal points in your planner or make a note in your phone and think on those things.