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We are one team. 


Above all else we are community…

We were all nervous on our first day of CrossFit.

We still sometimes feel anxious/excited/nauseous before a WOD.

We are moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, students, Netflix bingers, nurses, engineers, pastors, shower singers, artists, professors, volunteers, writers, and Facebook junkies.

Our schedules are busier than they should be but we make health and fitness a priority because our lives depend on it. We juggle it all. Some days we drop more balls than others.

Most of us still feel surprised by our abilities or when a new skill or PR is accomplished. We don’t have anything to prove. We just want to be healthy, have energy to chase our kids and grandkids, and be able to live life fully.

We love to sport our CrossFit gear. Most of our closets are packed with CrossFit Mockingbird tees, tanks, socks, shorts and hats and we can’t wait for the next design to be available.

We are unbelievably proud of this team and we relish the moments that lead to sweat angels, fist bumps, and group hugs.

We do potlucks, game nights, play dates, competitions, nutrition challenges, and team WODs.

As soon as we finish a WOD we begin wondering what tomorrow’s WOD will be.

We don’t always eat perfectly healthy. Sometimes we eat donuts. Sometimes we eat a lot of donuts. But we get focused again and make efforts to stick to eating REAL FOOD. We eat for fuel. We eat to be nourished.

We are grateful for the community of like-minded people who make fitness fun and eating well a normal part of life. We hold each other accountable. We cheer. We share recipes. We encourage. We challenge. We set the example. We represent. We motivate. We inspire. We are a tribe. We are one team.

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“The Best Teams are a bunch Of Nobodies who love everybody and serve anybody and don’t care about becoming somebody.”

-Mike Pilavachi